
I am increasingly drawn to a more experimental approach to my work/play.  What works?  How would one know that something works?  Just giving it a go – playfully – seems to me the way to go.music sheet for you will blossom

Susan Groves

Could meeting be an opportunity for appreciation, for blessing, for rest? A place where we can protect what we value.  And might this be beautiful for the human spirit? Learning to rest in joy is in itself such a worthwhile practice.

I’ve moved primarily to a monthly rhythm of working.  The intention of each meeting is the practice of liberation/aliveness for both/all of us.

I foreground joy, creativity and justice in the work.  I can also support you in a creative project or presentation. We will always include the ancestral and thanksgiving.

I offer supervision/training individually and in groups incorporating an emphasis on creativity, embodiment and the wider holding field.


Fees are £60 an hour or by arrangement.

To read more on core process psychotherapy, please see here.  I am not taking new psychotherapy referrals at present but please contact me if you’d like to work at monthly intervals in the ways described above.

I AM NOW ON SABBATICAL UNTIL 1 AUGUST 2024 and will take no new referrals before then.

I am a member of the UK Council for Psychotherapy, the Association of Core Process Psychotherapists, The Black, African and Asian Therapy NetworkPsychotherapists and Counsellors for Social Responsibility and The Body Psychotherapy Network.

My qualifications are MA Core Process Psychotherapy, MTheology, BA/BSocSc (social work).

I hope to be part of building a joyful, just and sustainable world. We need each other in this.  I offer my work in a spirit of collaboration as we find our way together.

                                                                                    Work is love made visible  Kahlil Gibran