White people talking

White people talking aims to support white people who want to look at the historic role they have played – and continue to play – in the world.  The methodology used hopes to be always accessible, creative and perhaps even playful.

The title is partly tongue-in-cheek as it is said that the first rule of whiteness is not to talk about it!

Us whites should also be careful not to take ourselves too seriously.  We are a global minority after all – but a dangerous one.

The approach will be non-judgmental with people encouraged to start where they are.

The work is offered primarily in the U.K. and South Africa, but also worldwide on request.

Services provided include:

  • Supporting – individually or in groups – people working to encourage awareness and action among white people
  • Providing accessible resources (see below) that have been developed to assist this enquiry
  • Running groups and courses on request
  • Helping people design events and groups around this theme
  • Possibilities of collaboration (including with artists)

My approach includes the following:

  • Creativity – encouraging your creativity and offering creative resources I’ve developed
  • The wider holding field – knowing/trusting that we are supported in this work by g-d, the earth, the ancestors – however you choose to frame it.  We need help!
  • The relational  doing this work together with others.  Learning how to do this over time, together.

Some people who have appreciated the approach of white people talking have said the following:

Susan brings a hesitancy to her work which is helpful.  It isn’t over-researched nor does she over-theorize in her presentation.  I’m left with a sense of my own responsibility and this is empowering.  She exudes trust in the listener.

Henry Davies, friend and colleague

There was a lightness to this potentially heavy topic.  A freshness. It was enjoyable, a beautiful experience.  I’m excited for the next one.

Laurie Gaum, artist, theologian and human rights advocate

The joining of beauty with pain was so unusual.  It took the conversation to a different level.  It will be reverberating within me for a long time.  event participant

Resources I have developed: 

  • An audio-visual presentation/film return rejoicing which can provide a starting point for reflection on identity, on exploring one’s local area, among other things.
  • A 4-part series of recorded conversations white people talking:the conversations – each about 10 mins – with an accompanying worksheet. Good for a small group.  You can listen to the first conversation below.  This is a written introduction to the series.

Conversation 1